The EU-funded project IN2CCAM is making great strides in its mission to bring innovative services and technologies for CCAM integration into traffic management by building up its collaboration efforts. The project has launched a Stakeholder Forum to advance the development of innovative CCAM solutions while ERTICO is leading the project’s liaison activities to engage with related initiatives. 

IN2CCAM’s aim is to test and implement innovative services and technologies in the field of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) to deploy new business models, policy recommendations and, ultimately, a governance framework at the EU level for safer, more inclusive, and environmentally responsible mobility. The consortium has launched a forum to foster an understanding of the stakeholders’ interests and needs, ensuring that the project outcomes respond to a cooperative and inclusive approach.

Enhancing CCAM integration

The Stakeholder Forum, created by ERTICO partner TTS Italia, will allow engagement and dialogue among interested parties for the effective execution of the project. Industry and public administration representatives, scientific researchers, policymakers, standardisation and homologation bodies and all other stakeholders are invited to get involved in the project to delve into topics like harmonisation and interoperability; route and delivery optimisation for balanced load on mobility networks; IN2CCAM solutions assessment; and evaluation of integrated CCAM systems governance.

The Forum serves as a platform to gather valuable input and align the project results with stakeholders’ needs. The end goal is to foster more transparent recommendations for CCAM integration into traffic management.

ERTICO leads liaison strategy                                                                 

ERTICO’s dedication to engaging with public and private stakeholders to work jointly on key mobility issues carries over into its projects and platforms. As the leading partner in the liaison strategyERTICO identifies and categorises external stakeholders and links them with the project’s resources. The strategy outlines sister projects and other initiatives and platforms with relevant expertise on user acceptance, human factors, integrating the vehicle in the transport system, demonstration activities towards larger scales, and validation of CCAM systems. The strategy also specifies the methodologies to maximise these relations.

If you are interested in getting involved in IN2CCAM, fill in the Stakeholder Forum form here

You can also contribute to the project by signing the Letter of Support