The iMobility Forum Research & Innovation WG is currently preparing material for the broad open consultation of the proposed R&I roadmaps in order to provide the research needs for 2016-2017.
Through this web public consultation, we are seeking your views and feedback on the development of the harmonised roadmaps which are presented in 7 areas:
1) Logistics
2) Automation
3) Vulnerable Road Users
4) Mobility & Efficiency
5) Safety
6) Socio-Economic, Behavioural and HMI
7) Cooperative-ITS
As a stakeholder you are kindly invited to provide your inputs to the consultation following this link:
Please fill in those questions you feel comfortable answering, or where you have expertise. If not, please continue by pressing ‘Next’. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will provide us with valuable feedback to identify areas of activity, timing of the start, the duration of the activity, and the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL).
Period of consultation
The consultation will be open from 8th December 2014 to 12 January 2015.
Next steps
After closure of the public consultation, the iMobility Forum will analyse and process the replies received. The outcomes of the public consultation, will be communicated and discussed with stakeholders at the iMobility Forum Research & Innovation WG workshop on 27th January 2015.
Please register for the
5th iMobility Forum Plenary Meeting with the theme ‘’Policy priorities and EU initiatives supporting Intelligent Mobility in Europe‘’
(following the iMobility Forum Research & Innovation WG workshop, 27th January 2015)
Diamant Conference Centre, Brussels,
27- 28 January 2015
Last modified on Monday, 08 December 2014