Members of the ERTICO Platform SENSORIS convened in Budapest, Hungary, to outline the future direction and next steps for the innovation platform, emphasising some of the major developments expected in 2023.

From 25 to 26 October, SENSORIS member NNG hosted the final meeting before the end of the year to update members on the ongoing activities and discuss the future transition for the innovation platform to become a non-profit international association (AISBL under Belgian law). Mr Jean-Charles Pandazis, Coordinator of SENSORIS & Senior Manager at ERTICO, underlined the importance for the platform and its members to become a non-profit legal entity and, in particular, to establish official liaison with ISO TC 22 SC31 and ISO TC 204 in order for SENSORIS to become an ISO standard which would accelerate the wide adoption of the standardised interface for exchanging information between the in-vehicle sensors and dedicated clouds.

SENSORIS members will be involved in the definition of a roadmap for the organisation that will identify the milestones and goals for the following years. This collaborative exercise will give direction to all upcoming SENSORIS developments, continuing to ensure the efficient deployment of its specifications. This significant change will also represent an opportunity for a complete rebranding of the SENSORIS platform, dedicating particular attention to the renovation of the website and the dissemination materials such as the flyer and the roll-up banner.

Integrated efforts towards the next steps

On top of these updates, SENSORIS members had the opportunity to hear about the ERTICO-led platform Data For Road Safety (DFRS), presented by Dr Stéphane Dreher, Senior Manager at ERTICO. The DFRS platform and its work carried out together with the members are strongly linked with SENSORIS core activities. This is a unique example of a European data-sharing ecosystem focusing on improving road safety by means of the large-scale use of vehicle data for which SENSORIS has a prominent role in the data-sharing value chain. SENSORIS is also one of the available standards recommended by DFRS, defining an interface for requesting and sending vehicle sensor data from vehicles to clouds and across clouds that can be integrated into ITS services.

In 2023, SENSORIS will continue paving the way for the creation of an effective ecosystem to share vehicles’ sensors data and make a real contribution to the research, development and deployment of connected and automated driving.

Don’t miss the next updates by checking out the SENSORIS website!