Andy Rooke, I_HeERO Technical Implementation Officer, hosted the second I_HeERO webinar on 14 June 2016. 14 Participants joined the presentations and discussions on “Architecture options and cost issues for PSAP upgrade”.

Different eCall models based on different 112 models

Cristina Lumbreras, EENA, kicked off the webinar by presenting the five 112 models and subsequent three related eCall models. The five 112 models include “EROs handling emergency calls”, “Filtering stage 1 PSAP and resource dispatching stage 2 PSAP Model”, “Data gathering by stage 1, resource dispatching by stage 2”, “Data gathering by stage 1 PSAP, resource dispatching by stage 2 in an integrated control room”, and finally an “ERO independent PSAP model. There is also a variant “Interconnected PSAP”. Based on the 112 models, three eCall models can be put forward. Model 1 refers to eCall routed as 112 calls and the most appropriate PSAP receives 112 calls and eCalls; model 2 implies all types of eCalls are routed to a PSAP only dedicated to eCalls and 112 calls continue to be routed to the 112 PSAP, and model 3 refers to manually triggered eCalls and automatically triggered eCalls that are routed to a different PSAP (it can be the same PSAP as for 112 calls e.g. dedicated automatic eCall PSAP can be the same as 112 PSAP).

PSAP upgrade involves 3 components with varying costs

Frank Brenneke, OECON Products & Services, presented the technical background of 112 eCall. 112 eCall always contains data (current position and vehicle ID), timing (when will the PSA receive an eCall) and a receiver (who receives the data: always and exclusively the responsible PSAP). eCall is an EU regulated service; new cars from 2018 will be equipped with eCall. Expectations are that eCall will slowly rise with 90% of the vehicles equipped with eCall by 2030. This EU regulated service only applies to passenger cars.

A PSAP upgrade, Mr Brennecke explained, involves 3 components: PBX , eCall Decoder and PSAP software. PBS is already installed. Forwarding instructions will be upgraded by PBX service operators. The eCall decoder is new and is offered by PBX vendors and some specialised companies. Finally the PSAP software is available but must be upgraded to process eCall data.

In terms of costing, the most expensive cost for PSAP upgrade is the PSAP software which must have a bi-directional communication. The cost of the PSAP software upgrade will depend very much on the age of the software and the expected level of integration which has to be specifically developed.

Aftermarket solutions could speed up the roll-out of 112 eCall in Europe

During a lively Q&A session, the general believe that roll-out of eCall would be slow was challenged. Deployment of an aftermarket solution can go very quick; if a navigation device maker would upgrade his device and has the necessary communication requirements in it to send the MSD; the amount of vehicles that is on the road with 112 eCall could be substantially higher than anticipated!

In this context Frank Brennecke pointed out that the I_HeERO project is discussing the conformity assessment aspects. It appears that different European countries have different legal regulations in terms of after-market devices. Legislation is currently only adapted for new vehicles and not for after-market devices. Andy Rooke explained that the EC is currently looking at this issue and will set up specifications for the after-market devices.

For the full presentation: 2016_06_14_Associate partners webinar

Interested in I_HeERO Associated Partnership?

Member States or Commercial organisations who are motivated to actively contribute to the I_HeERO project, are invited to apply for Associate Partnership status. The I_HeERO Steering Committee will need to approve the application. Partners can apply to be observers of the activities, provided that the project partners agree. Partners interested in actively contributing to certain activities should apply with the activity leaders and need to clearly explain their expected contributions.

Join our third I_HeERO webinar on 7 September 2016 from 14h00 to 16h00

The I_HeERO project will organise its third Associated Partners webinar on 7 September 2016 from 14h00 to 16h00 and will reflect on the I_HeERO Workshop “Making eCall Happen”. The webinar will include discussions on the themes and issues raised during the I_HeERO Workshop that will have taken place the previous day in Brussels.

In case you are interested to participate, we recommend you to send an email to Andy Rooke – – and we will send you an invitation link to the webinar.

The I_HeERO project kicked off 1 January 2015 and will run until 31 December 2017. I_HeERO operates not only in 11 EU Member States (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Slovenia), but also includes 58 commercial partners and a number of Associated Partners.

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