Traff-lAIts will develop future traffic management by piloting and testing the integration of Smart Artificial Intelligence (Smart AI) and Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) via mobile communication and cloud solutions to optimize traffic lights in Norwegian cities.

The goal of the project is to further develop SWARCO’s algorithm for evaluating and prioritizing traffic flow at road junctions by integrating AI and position data from vehicles (via CAM) from the traffic. The project will measure the level of service at specific intersections and evaluate the traffic’s cycle length, to reduce delays and stops for a better traffic flow.

There are 4 sub-goals: 1. Improvement of AI algorithm to create automatic signal prioritization; 2. Assessment of CAM messages to help improve AI algorithm; 3. Evaluation of the AI algorithm on a large scale, which will be tested in a pilot study at road junctions in Oslo and Trondheim; and 4. Scaling of the technology, where other possibilities within the transport system will be explored.

The use of ITS solutions (CAM and AI) for an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe traffic management will help to achieve transport policy goals. Digitization of traffic management gives road users information about traffic, giving a better basis for making traffic decisions and less time at traffic lights. Time savings will not only affect people’s time, but will also give lower costs, e.g. fuel consumption. Less time spent at road junctions also means that emissions are reduced, having direct environmental effects.

The project group has three partners: SWARCO as a leading provider of traffic management solutions, dedicated to improving traffic safety and road efficiency. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, which is responsible for planning, building and maintaining national and county roads in Norway. SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations that drives innovation and development across various sectors.

Source: SWARCO at the Forefront of Technological Innovation; Smart AI CAM integration for adaptive traffic management | SWARCO