
Tag: electric

Electric Mobility Europe launches 2016 call for projects


European countries and regions together with the European Commission and the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association have set up the Electric Mobility Europe Call 2016 (EMEurope Call 2016) to further promote and advance electric mobility in Europe.

Funded projects in the EMEurope Call 2016 shall focus on applying and implementing e-mobility in urban and suburban areas.  Expected outcomes are likely to include an:

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Slovakia to support the purchase of EVs


Slovakia’s Ministry of Economy is planning to introduce a range of incentives to encourage people to buy electric vehicles (EV).

The Ministry presented this summer a detailed policy document that set out a number of measures to help it boost the number of cleaner vehicles on the country’s roads.

Specific measures include providing direct subsidies to purchase an EV and for drivers to have no obligation to pay the registration fee.

It is also planning to introduce tax relief measures and Low-Emission Zones, and a shorter depreciation period for companies.

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Athens to introduce electric ticketing for public transport in 2017


The Greek capital is set to introduce a new electronic public transport ticket in 2017 that will crack down on fare-dodging and allow a more flexible fare structure.

Greece’s Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Minister, Christos Spirtzis, said that he hoped electronic ticketing would be introduced faster than planned, beginning with the bus network.

Spirtzis said that the new flexible system will be based on how far passengers travel, with reduced fares for small distances and higher fares for people taking longer trips

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