Tag: Mobinet
MOBiNET webinar digs deeper into technical and business value of the MOBiNET core components
Feb 14, 2017 | ERTICO Activities
26 stakeholders participated in the first of two MOBiNET webinars dedicated to specific MOBiNET components. MOBiNET’s Technical Manager – Peter-Paul Schackmann, TNO – opened the webinar referring to previous webinar presentations of the live MOBiNET platform and core components. Presentations included a demonstration of how the platform works and what ITS stakeholders can gain of it. You will find more information here
As a follow up, the MOBiNET project decided to organise two webinars each one dedicated to the technical and business value of a specific number of platform components.
The MOBiNET platform is an e-marketplace and a technical platform enabling the interactions between suppliers, developers and users of mobility related content and service providers. It offers a centralised directory for publishing and editing Business-to-Business (B2C) services as well as functionality enabling and supporting interoperability between data sources. The services will be offered across Europe without the need for standardised hardware.
The MOBiNET platform provides components and tools that enable interactions between travellers, transport system users operators, service providers, content providers and transport infrastructure. At the heart of the platform is the MOBiCENTRE which includes Service Directory, Identity Manager, Billing and TSP Manager.
MOBiNET platform architecture
Janki Dodya, DLR, webinar moderator, presented the Service Support Centre (SSC), the first point for users who need information about the MOBiNET platform. The SSC provides information on how to use the platform or its components, or for development purposes. The SCC is a website integrated within the Dashboard. Important to note is that the information in the Support Centre is divided into two user groups: normal end users of the platform who are only allowed to see sections on the basic usage of the platform; and developers who are able to see information for developing purposes like the API of components and the development of services.
Janki Dodya then handed over the floor to the presenters of followers components:
Dashboard by Benjamin Hebgen – NEC; Identity Manager by Enzo Contini – Telecom Italia; Service Directory by Lars Mikkelsen – Aalborg University; Service billing by Daniela Vasari – Pluservice; Analytics Server by Benjamin Hebgen – NEC; and TSP Manager by Michael Sena – Allianz Telematics. Each of the component owners presented not only a short description of the component and its main features but also the role of the component in the context of the latest MOBiNET platform release; as well as its interaction with the other components.
The webinar not only highlighted the technical value of the components but also their business added value. Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics, and MOBiNET Business Manager, explained how MOBiNET is an eMobility Marketplace platform; a multi-vendor platform for a Europe-wide (global) delivery of mobility services. The platform will support the delivery of services and data to private and commercial users using data and services from public and private sources. It will support multiple business strategies and business models for public and private service providers. Essential components are the MOBiCENTRE that is managing the flow of information from service and content providers, service developers and end users. The MOBiAGENT is the tool for end users to discover service providers and potentially pay for services. The Service Development Kit and Dashboard are the entry points for service developers, service and content providers, including telematics service providers, to match the products and services they offer to business and private customers.
The webinar concluded with a poll asking participants which component they find most useful. The answers were as follows: 64% of the respondents voted for the TSP Manager, 36% for Service billing, 21% both for Identity Manger and for Analytics Server, and 7% of respondents for the Service Directory.
This webinar will be followed by a second a final webinar dedicated to the following remaining components: Communication Agent, MOBiAGENT, Data Quality Assessment, Service Development Kit and Privacy & Security. You will find more information on this webinar here below.
Agenda and full presentations are available here
Audio recording is available
Additional information:
In the library/deliverable section, you will find several reports that will provide you with detailed information on
– MOBiNET tools and components – See deliverables in section “WP3 Development”
– Service Support Centre (ref. D7.10 MOBiNET B2B Service Support Centre)
– Business value of the MOBiNET concept – See deliverables in section “WP6 Organisation, business and social aspects”
The second and final MOBiNET webinar dedicated to components will take place 16 February 2017 from 14h00 to 15h00 (CET). For registration, click here.
MOBiNET platform live! JOIN US
Explore the MOBiNET platform and test it with your use case
Jan 30, 2017 | ERTICO Activities
The MOBiNET platform has been launched end of last year. We invite content and data providers, app...
Read MoreExplore the MOBiNET platform and test it with your use case
Jan 26, 2017 | ERTICO Activities
The MOBiNET platform has been launched end of last year. We invite content and data providers, app developers and others to explore the platform and test it with their use case.
The MOBiNET project envisages a new “Internet of Mobility” where transport users meet providers of next-generation mobility services. MOBiNET is a European e-marketplace of mobility services for business and end users. As a result, MOBiNET extends the business scope between service providers; provides pan-European coverage; and ensures that public and private providers can post their data in the service directory to a wide and broad community, facilitating the creation of innovative solutions or enhanced existing services.
The procedure on how to access the platform is explained here. A Service Support Centre is available that will guide and support visitors during their visit of the platform. The SCC contains all relevant document, tutorial videos as well as a FAQs section to solve or report any issues.
The MOBiNET project will shortly organise two webinars on the technical and business value of the MOBiNET core components. More information will be available on the MOBiNET website later this week.
LinkedIn Group MOBiNET “the internet of (Transport and) Mobility”
MOBiNET invites external business users and app developers to visit and test live platform
Dec 22, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
After 3 years of development, the MOBiNET beta platform is open now for external stakeholders to...
Read MoreMOBiNET Billing component – a clear use case of the MOBiNET interoperable, Europe-wide e-market place of mobility services
Oct 19, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
MOBiNET is the Europe-wide e-market place of mobility services for businesses and end users. MOBiNET enables interoperability among EU mobility services in terms of payment, billing and clearing through a dedicated component capable of managing financial transactions for membership and business fees.
Service/app provider can use the Billing platform component facilities in order to enable end-users (B2C) and businesses (B2B) to pay for the use of applications, services and data. A concrete use case is the parking payment interoperable service developed by Pluservice, the Hungarian National Mobile Payment Pld. (NPC) and North Denmark Region. This integration allows for example PluService customers to buy parking service in Hungary using their application. A standardised common interface to Parking service providers as well as to resellers published to the MOBiNET market place, will create a truly interoperable EU-wide parking solution.
The MOBiNET payment and billing component handles all financial transactions and provides a neutral instance which monitors those transactions between different parties.
All fees due to MOBiNET are determined and configured by MOBiNET administrator (for subscription, for clearing services in B2B2C, etc.). Each Service Provider determines the price and the fare rules for its services; the amount is distributed to the MOBiNET billing component at each event relevant for billing purposes.
Figure 1 – logical architecture
Billing component is designed for a general purposes e-market place:
• B2B: Buyer pays at sale (e.g. with credit card or paypal), periodic payment with SEPA
• B2C, Payment may take place: on line at product sale, with credit card or PayPal; at the end of the month with direct debit (SEPA).
• B2B2C: each consumer continues using the app of his/her Service Provider (on a broader area), paying as usual and receiving the invoices from the same Service Provider. MOBiNET billing component: analyses cross-provider logs and calculate the amount due among Service Providers (clearing) and the fee for MOBiNET itself; generates reporting for Service Providers, invoices and SEPA files for direct debit.
Interoperable parking payment service
The multi-service Application myCicero (www.mycicero.it) developed by PluService represents a use case that can benefit most from MOBiNET and in particular from its payment and billing features. It is based on a technological platform that merges several services. Among the services provided the booking and ticketing services like Local Public Transport, Coaches, Parking, Bike-sharing are already used by end-users and mobility operators. Within the PluService platform, the traveller can benefit of a virtual personal assistant, including a multimodal journey planner with booking and payment facilities.
The myCicero application will be connected to a range of applications, enabled by MOBiNET.
Figure 2 – Multi-service App enabled by MOBiNET
As a concrete demonstration of the potential of MOBiNET, an EU-Interoperable parking payment service is developed and made available in the MOBiNET service directory. The service provides a common interface to Parking Service Providers as well as to Resellers to create truly interoperable parking solutions. The target is to propose an EU-wide standard parking service interface to be used within MOBiNET and beyond.
Although it is a demo service, the plan is to have a fully functional integration behind. This integration will allow myCicero users to buy parking service in Hungary (via National Mobile Payments) or North Denmark Region parking service using their usual application. In this case the payment will be done via myCicero, and the MOBiNET Billing component will do the clearing among the parties. As MOBiNET providing the platform, any registered MOBiNET user will be able to discover such interoperable service, which is a very important change in mindset.
The benefit for the users is that they only need to subscribe once to the parking service and they can continue to use the usual payment method, even likely via their usual mobility provider as clearing can be done between providers within the MOBiNET machinery.
This service, in a possible future commercial operation, might also become one of the B2B enablers that the MOBiNET platform will offer to its business users, thus becoming a core service of the MOBiNET platform. This is by design a B2B solution, so any service provider can publish or consume parking services via this interface. This will open the market for many companies to provide a common parking application – integrated into their mobility application – to be used Europe wide for its customers. This would also not be possible without a Europe wide mobility platform such as MOBiNET.
Source: Paper “EU-wide interoperable payment services”, Guido Di Pasquale, PluService, Italy
To read the full paper, click here
This paper was presented at the 11th ITS European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 6-9 June 2016
MOBiNET paper on EU-wide interoperable payment services presented at Melbourne World Congress
Sep 30, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
TP14 – Integrated Payment Systems
Smart Cities and New Urban Mobility
Melbourne World Congress venue, Meeting Room 217
Tuesday 11 October 2016, 14h00-15h30
Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS Europe, MOBiNET Project Coordinator, will present the paper “MOBiNET: EU-wide interoperable payment services” during the session TP14 “Integrated Payment Systems”. The session will be held 11 October from 14h00 to 15h30.
MOBiNET Newsflash: Be part of the mobility of the future!
Sep 21, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
This MOBiNET Newsflash presents you with a project status update; what has been done so far and what the next steps are.
Entering its final year, the MOBiNET project is on the verge of having a new platform release available. This newest release of the MOBiNET platform will be launched in October not only to MOBiNET partners but also to external stakeholders.
Time for the MOBiNET Technical Manager to reflect on the technical growth path of the MOBiNET platform through a series of platform releases. This newsflash provides more information on these different platform releases and the requirements that fed into the process.
On the business side, MOBiNET’s Business Manager provides his update of the added value generated by the MOBiNET e-mobility marketplace. This newsflash also reflects on how this e-marketplace can reinforce current business models for business and public authorities. The added value of the MOBiNET platfform, tools and components for service providers was also demonstrated during a webinar. Two MOBiNET use cases demonstrated the business potential for (international) market growth and cost savings for service providers.
Finally, to ensure a qualitative user experience, the MOBiNET website has been enhanced by a FAQ section explaining what MOBiNET stands for, the MOBiNET platform, the core services or components, the “core services” versus Services enabled or enhanced by MOBiNET, the role of pilot sites in MOBiNET, the different platform releases, and the role of the MOBiNET Provider Community.
Why we need MOBiNET
With the explosion of both online mobility services and sources of open transport data, there is a growing need for marketplaces where users can find apps and services, and where service providers and operators can publish data and third party services.
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MOBiNET’s Technical Manager retraces the technical growth path of the project’s platform
Peter-Paul Schackmann, Senior Project Manager with TNO and Technical Manager of the MOBiNET project, looks back at what the project has achieved so far, the current and future steps, and the life of the MOBiNET platform after the project will end. The MOBiNET concept and the platform that have been developed have attracted interest from different players in the mobility and ICT domain, offering a great perspective for the continuation of MOBiNET.
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The final stages of the MOBiNET platform requirements gathering process
During the project, an iterative (agile) and use case driving approach has been applied to the development of the platform, resulting in multiple platform releases of which release 4.0 will be the ,final release. The development of each release is based on requirements gathered from multiple sources, the Service Working Groups, the Pilot sites, external users and more.
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MOBiNET shows business potential in terms of (international) market growth and cost savings for service providers
This webinar explained the MOBiNET concepts and marketplace and how they present an opportunity for service providers. This was illustrated by two use cases. The first use case, B2BTS-B2B traffic related services enhanced by MOBiNET, showed how the MOBiNET platform provides a potential boost for the gps market both on the vendor and purchaser side. MOBiNET presents a real cost saving for Traffic Service providers using gps data to produce traffic services. A second use case demonstrated how the efficiency of the Demand Responsive Transit or Dial-a-Ride through an EU-wide service platform was improved.
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EU-wide service platform MOBiNET improves efficiency of Dial-a-Ride service in London
Eurotransport 25 August 2016
Dial-A-Ride as MOBiNET enabled innovative and green service
The MOBiNET platform will enable the implementation of innovative service providing elderly travellers and/or with disabilities with a transport service focused on mobile technology, linking passengers, drivers of Dial-a-Ride (DaR) service and traffic manager. This innovative service will solve the inefficiency of vehicles waiting around for a pick-up, with a clear impact on passive traffic and the needs of passengers, especially elderly or infirm. MOBiNET provides service and application to DaR users with confirmation of expected time of arrival (ETA) of the vehicle for their pick-up and drop off.
Read the full article
The added value generated by the MOBiNET e-Mobility Marketplace
Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics and MOBiNET Business Manager, explains the MOBiNET business value proposition and key success factors of the MOBiNET marketplace.
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The MOBiNET e-marketplace can reinforce current business models for businesses and public authorities in Europe
A sustainable marketplace requires a legal entity for daily operations and a viable business model that generates individual benefits to all stakeholders involved. The MOBiNET project determines the possible organisation and governance procedure of such an entity, and identifies the conditions for a successful business model.
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In October, the MOBiNET consortium will open the newest version of the MOBiNET platform to external stakeholders. This will allow you to explore the MOBiNET platform potential and discover what we can potentially do together.
Interested? Contact us to receive an invitation:info@mail.ertico.com
The MOBiNET (www.mobinet.eu) project envisages a new “Internet of Mobility” where transport users meet providers of next-generation mobility services. MOBiNET is a European e-market place of mobility services for business and end users. The project addresses the current frustration that widespread deployment of ITS services is hindered by the complexity of the real world of mobility information and infrastructure, which e.g. prevents seamless coverage of services across borders throughout Europe.
By developing a Europe-wide e-market place of mobility services for business and end users, MOBINET extends the business scope between service providers; provides pan-European coverage; and ensures that public and private providers can post their data in the service directory to a wide and broad community, facilitating the creating of innovative solutions or enhanced existing services
MOBiNET is co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. It runs from November 2012 until June 2017.
The MOBiNET e-marketplace can reinforce current business models for businesses and public authorities in Europe
Sep 16, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
MOBiNET delivers a Europe-wide e-marketplace of mobility services for businesses and end users. A sustainable marketplace requires a legal entity for daily operations and a viable business model that generates individual benefits to all stakeholders involved. Determining the possible organisation and governance structure of such an entity, and identifying the conditions for a successful business model, are an essential part of the MOBiNET project.
The MOBiNET project intends to develop, deploy and operate the technical and organisation foundations of an open, multi-vendor platform for Europe-wide mobility services. There are several local or national platforms but they cannot attract a sufficient number of users or service providers to deliver a wide-range of multi-modal transport options that cross national borders. Once deployed, MOBiNET can.
MOBiNET puts forward three legal entity options and, based on these options, three business models delivering additional value for the public and private stakeholders involved.
Organisational and Governance: a Key Project Component
From the start MOBiNET assumed that some organisation or entity, possible under contract, will operate the e-marketplace platform for which a proof of concept is developed in the project. It may also be that private market players, either European or global, take an initiative that meets the needs of the users and service providers. In case no other solution is available, the MOBiNET project members are committed to establish a framework and organisation for the operation of the platform and delivering mobility services.
“MOBiNET Legal Entity” (or MLE) is the generic term for the organisation that would be responsible for the overall operation of a multi-vendor, multi-user platform for Europe-wide mobility services. This is in order to distinguish it from the current MOBiNET development and research activity.
MLE is viewed as part of a community, or ecosystem, with a number of public and private organisations and public authorities comprising vehicle makers, IT suppliers, content providers, service providers, municipalities and public authorities.
The MLE plays a key role in the market development process and creates value for ecosystem participants acting as:
- An aggregator of service providers, service enablers and technology suppliers to reach critical mass;
- A market enabler via its platform and B2B services;
- A focal point where service providers can meet and define common rules and interfaces to service enablers and technology suppliers; and,
- A contact point for policy makers to help formulate regulations.
The MOBiNET Legal entity can use an approach to allow (potential) competitors to work together to:
- Facilitate a timely and cost-effective deployment of ITS services and products that save end users time and money, increase traffic safety, and minimise environmental impact;
- Improve the quality and minimize the cost of such services and products by maximizing interoperability
MOBiNET e-Mobility Marketplace as a Business Enabler
Evaluation of business models for MOBiNET
The principal objective of the analysis performed in MOBiNET on business models is to identify how a marketplace for e-mobility services can reinforce the current business models of private businesses and public authorities in Europe, or perhaps lead to modifications in their current business models that will result in better performance on the important indicators of success. Success means for commercial players more customers, higher revenue and higher profit margins; for public sector organisations is means fewer vehicle-related death and injuries, lower emissions and improved traffic flow.
Business model options
After sound analysis of the business models of the enterprises and a categorisation of the potential fit of the a MOBiNET business model with the Proejct Team’s operation, three business models options are considered (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Three potential business models for the MOBiNET Legal Entity
It is critical to understand how each of these models could be applied to MOBiNET
Option One: Pure MLE-to-B – Provide services to business users only.
This is the model used by Amadeus as a travel services platform provider.
This option would support organisations that have their own customer relationships with their own payment systems, as shown in the example of truck parking payment (Figure 2). MOBiNET delivers the consolidation of content from multiple sources and a white label service discovery interface that can be branded by the service provider.
Figure 2 – Option One: Pure MLB-to-B Model
Option Two: MLE-to-B and MLE-to-Customer Service only – Provide services to business users but also provide information to end users.
SWIFT uses this model.
Usage based insurance (UBI) is an example of how this model could be applied to a service that is being delivered today, but for which MOBiNET could significantly improve the service potential and benefits for both the insurance providers and insurance customers. (Figure 3). MOBiNET provides a customer seeking UBI with access to information about which insurance companies offer UBI for the customer’s specific vehicle, and facilitates the contact between the customer and the insurance companies. Once contact has been made, a contract is signed directly between the insurance company and the customer. MOBiNET is then used to direct the data coming from the vehicle to the contracted insurance company.
Figure 3 – Option Two: MLE-to-B and MLE-to-Customer Service Only
Option Three: MLE-to-B and MLE-to-Customer – Provide services to both business users and end users.
Figure 4 – Option Three: MLE-to-B and MLE-to-C
An example of this model is the car parking and payment service. Commercial and private customers use MOBiNET to deliver data, information about parking availability and provide the means of paying for parking. (Figure 4)
Business Model
The MOBiNET project then developed three business models that correspond to the three legal entity options:
- For-profit – High Service: A private company as the sole owner and operator of the MOBiNET Marketplace Platform.
- Not-for-profit – Low Service: A public agency that owns and either operates the Platform or contracts for its operation. The Mobility Data Marketplace in Germany and the National Data Warehouse in The Netherlands are two potential organisations.
- Not-for-profit – Medium Service: A consortium of public and private organisations that own the Platform and contract with a third party for its operation. The consortium would be created with some members of the current MOBiNET project and their third-party suppliers as well as external parties. It is an option that would be considered if either of the first two options cannot be implemented.
Each of the business models associated with it an approximate budget for the initial building of the platform based on the assumptions of the type of organisation that would be established for governing the operations and the types and levels of service that the platform would offer.
Paper “Business Models for a Pan-European e-Mobility Marketplace”, Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics, Sweden presented at the ITS European Congress, Glasgow, 6-9 June 2016
Read full article here.
Additional reading:
EU-wide service platform MOBiNET improves efficiency of Dial-a-Rial service in London
Sep 15, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
Source: Eurotransport, 25 August 2016
The MOBiNET project envisages a new “Internet of Mobility” where transport users meet providers of next-generation mobility services. MOBiNET is a European e-market place of mobility services for business and end users. The MOBiNET platform will enable the implementation of innovative service providing elderly travellers and/or with disabilities with a transport service focused on mobile technology, linking passengers, drivers of Dial-a-Ride (DaR) service and traffic manager. This innovative service will solve the inefficiency of vehicles waiting around for a pick-up, with a clear impact on passive traffic and the needs of passengers, especially elderly or infirm.
DaR is provided by Transport for London (TfL) to users with permanent or long term disability or those who are unable to use the mainstream public services.
At present, there are a lot of delays as the driver reaches the destination and has to wait for the traveller to get ready to board. MOBiNET provides service and application to DaR users with confirmation of expected time of arrival (ETA) of the vehicle for their pick-up and drop off.
Dial-A-Ride as MOBiNET enabled innovative and green service
MOBiNET provides a portal dedicated to service providers to manage all aspects of their services and a corresponding end user market for MOBiNET applications. The MOBiNET framework lets service providers sell their services and enable them to easily compose new services to quickly react on changing market demand.
To support a proper migration of existing services, the functionalities of MOBiNET are accessible via dedicated APIs for mobile application and service developers.

MOBiNET shows business potential in terms of (international) market growth and cost savings for service providers
Sep 12, 2016 | ERTICO Activities
35 service providers and other ITS stakeholders attended the MOBiNET webinar “MOBiNET e-marketplace offers business opportunities for service providers”.
The MOBiNET concept and marketplace: an opportunity for service providers
Webinar moderator and presenter Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS Europe, kicked off the webinar by explaining MOBiNET, the Europe-wide e-marketplace for mobility services for businesses and end users. MOBiNET provides a comprehensive Europe-wide directory of mobility and transport-related data and services. As an e-marketplace it links content providers, service providers and end users. MOBiNET provides traveller assistance tools for service roaming and virtual ticketing.
Third-party services can discover and add content and services to existing products. The MOBiNET platform architecture provides the required infrastructure functionality to let service providers easily compose their services based on available data or other B2B services, and to deliver their services to end users. This is provided by core components for service management, identity management, billing support, communication support, data quality assessment and the TSP Manager. MOBiNET offers an “App Directory” and smart Communication Manager for end-user devices, and a Service Development Kit to enable easy creation of new user services.
In parallel with the MOBiNET platform development, MOBiNET designed and developed a number of reference applications “services” for trialling in pilot sites in 8 countries. Examples of these services are B2BTS – B2B, and Demand Responsive Transit or Dial-a-Ride. The 8 MOBiNET pilot sites verify and validate the MOBiNET platform releases with continuous upgrading of platform core components and services.
Not being just another R&D project and platform, the development of MOBiNET is driven by business motivation and commercial exploitation. MOBiNET will put forward a clear business model and define the governance, contractual, legal, safety and security aspects of such a commercial platform.
Mobility-as- a-Service (MaaS) would benefit tremendously from a platform like MOBiNET
On the question whether MaaS is MOBiNET 2.0, Rasmus Lindholm clarified that it is in fact the other way around. What MOBiNET can offer to MaaS is looking at solving the roaming issues. On a local level, MOBiNET could provide a platform where different transport operators can publish their services and data in the MOBiNET Service Directory from where the MaaS service provider or operator (instead of having to go all the different operators) can find all the services and data through MOBiNET.
In terms of roaming issues, MaaS operators can see each other’s service offering through the MOBiNET platform. Whenever a MaaS operator for example in Brussels is linked to MOBiNET and finds the transport service he/she need; another MaaS operator in for example London can also see the service offering of the first MaaS operator. By linking and using some of the components and the billing and the clearing developed in MOBiNET, the customers of the MaaS operator in Brussels would be able to use the same app or services when they are in London.
A poll asking whether attendees considered using such a platform, 35% of attendees confirmed they would, 66% would certainly consider it and 9% believed they would not.
B2BTS -B2B traffic related services enhanced by MOBiNET
The MOBiNET platform provides a potential boost for the gps market both on the vendor and purchaser side
Alessandro Taddei of Infoblu presented the B2B TS use case. In the early days of the MOBiNET project, some partners including fleet managers, gps users and research labs, focused on gps market evolution from a business to business perspective. Traditionally when a company in traffic information distilling its products from gps positions wants to expends it business from country a to country b, it must start a complex process. The said company needs to look for gps providers, evaluate each individual provider’s coverage in space & time as well as its quality. MOBiNET however provides a point of aggregation e.g for gps sellers; it allows services users to browse/search for services; and service providers and gps vendors to register their services/data.
MOBiNET presents a real cost saving for Traffic Service providers using gps data to produce traffic services
In addition currently Traffic Service providers (like Infoblu) are, somehow, requested to develop their own tools for evaluation of gps features (e.g coverage in space and time of a single gps provider, gps overall quality indicators) but would prefer to buy them and focus on producing the services. The MOBiNET platform could represent a real cost saver for Traffic Service providers because organisations (e.g research labs) can register their own tools for gps evaluation. In this respect MOBiNET can provide support to B2B. The MOBiNET platform provides a potential boost for the gps market both on the vendor and purchaser side. It can improve competition among gps sellers and service providers. New players can enter the area by adding enhanced quality (e.g. better algorithms, improved indicators, improved presentation of results) and/or coverage services and new evaluation services.
Via a poll, attendees were asked to express their level of interest in the topic. 9% of the attendees were very interested, 16% had a high interest, 40% were interested, 31% had a moderate interest and 4% were not interested at all.
Improving the efficiency of Demand Responsive Transit or Dial-a-Ride through an EU-wide service platform
The dial-a-ride use case, presented by Daniela Vasari of Pluservice, was developed for a dial-a-ride service for elderly and disabled passengers in London provided by Transport for London (TfL). MOBiNET allows the combination of real-time bus arrival with traffic information (to estimate arrival times), tracking and user identification. It helps to connect the passengers, the bus driver and the operations centre through a single back office. A user app is available from the MOBiNET app store, and could be used by service providers elsewhere than London via the Service Directory. The service needs multiple online elements discovered and brought together, and would allow TfL to market the B2B and B2C application to end users.
Dial-a-Ride uses different MOBiNET platform components, for example the Identity Manager for a single sign-on. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) APIs provided by a third party is published in the MOBiNET Service Directory. DaR system in the background can take this data from the web service to calculate the ETA directly considering the traffic data detected in real time and this kind of data is matching the booking system data provided by another provider. This matching can create this ETA calculation component to give real information to all users. This ETA third-party service is useful not only for operators like TfL for a Demand Responsive Transit type of service, but also in other domains, e.g. taxis and logistics.
MOBiNET improves the efficiency of the London fleet thanks to the development of a generic Automatic Vehicle Location solution, as well as thanks to its trial across minibuses in different areas, weather and traffic condition in London and use of the data feed from these vehicles for modelling, alerts and scheduling purposes. Thanks to MOBINET, other cities can find ideas on the use for such technology and allows third party developers to implement innovative applications from the published data feeds and services.
To conclude, a poll indicated that 55% of the webinar attendees believed the topic should be further expanded, 8% believed it should not, 25% believed it should partly, 4% did not know and 8% of the attendees voted for “absolutely yes”. The poll suggests that this service is quite interesting and could be potentially further explored and expanded to other MOBiNET pilot sites or beyond the project’s lifetime.
Contribute to MOBiNET: Join the MOBiNET Provider Community
Around mid-October, the MOBiNET consortium will open the newest version of the MOBiNET platform to external stakeholders. This will allow you to explore the MOBiNET platform potential and discover what we can potentially do together.
Interested? Contact Rasmus Lindholm – r.lindholm@mail.ertico.com
You will be contacted in about a month’s time.
Press Release – MOBINET@Glasgow – Bobby app demonstrates added value of MOBiNET platform
Jun 8, 2016 | ITS Congresses
MOBiNET offers a Business-to-Business marketplace where commercial and public-sector providers of mobility data and services can publish and exchange their products and/or find other business services to extend their own offer. At the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux, 5-9 October 2015, MOBiNET launched its platform third Release, introducing it to developers and start-ups in the […]
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Read MoreRecorded Webinar: MOBiNET: instrument to boost innovation and sustainability with public authorities and cities
Sep 28, 2015 | ERTICO Activities
More than 50 participants attended the webinar “MOBiNET: instrument to boost innovation and sustainability with public authorities and cities” held on 21 September 2015.
Moderator and Rasmus Lindholm; ERTICO – ITS Europe, gave an introduction to the project and stressed how MOBiNET aims to create an e-marketplace linking content providers, service providers and end users.
Public authorities currently have difficulties in engaging with potential developers and service providers who could use the transport data made available by the public authorities.
To solve this issue MOBiNET provides an e-marketplace where public authorities can publish their data. Content and service providers can also make their information available or publish their services in the e-marketplace. MOBiNET provides a link with the end users who can search for different services in the service directory. Finally, MOBiNET provides a set of components which developers can use when developing new services.
In terms of making sure that the technical developments of this cloud-based e-market place are working in line with the needs of service providers, MOBiNET has put together a list of newly developed or existing use cases.
Two specific examples of use cases were presented in the webinar: the Non-Stop Truck service (NST) by Wen Xu from Volvo, and the Green Light Optimal Speed Advice (GLOSA) by Robbin Blokpoel from IMTECH Traffic & Infra.
The NST Service allows trucks to automatically declare their status data or goods information to the public authorities in order for a clearance at the vehicle weight controls. Mr. Xu explained that MOBiNET greatly extends the reachability and availability of the NST service since the MOBiNET platform allows any European public authority to publish a service to any user within Europe. This implies that any truck owner in Europe is able to use the NST service and can share their data with any European public authority.
Robbin Blokpoel demonstrated the principle of GLOSA, the Green Light Optimal Speed Advice. The GLOSA service advises the driver on the optimal driving speed to pass a traffic junction without stopping based on information acquired from the traffic light controller. Mr. Blokpoel explained how the MOBiNET platform addresses interoperability challenges (consistent data format etc.) with the result that traffic services can run European wide. The GLOSA app is a good example of usage of MOBINET because it can really exploit the flexible scaling up with the MOBINET platform. Moreover, the platform enables separation of the different roles (data provider, service provider and app developer) that exist in delivering the app to the end user.
MOBiNET is hosting a whole range of different activities at the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux from 5 to 9 October 2015. Julie Castermans from ERTICO – ITS Europe presented the ITS Hackathon that will take place during the Bordeaux World Congress from the Tuesday morning until Thursday mid-day. The ITS Hackathon will cover two themes: Intelligent Mobility and Road Safety. The Hackathon is co-organised by MOBiNET and Michelin Challenge Bibendum, and invites academics, start-ups, app developers and service providers to come up with new ideas and apps for mobility and safety services.
The webinar concluded with a short Q & A session during which one of the participants, referring to the GLOSA case, asked a question on the results of CO2 emission reductions after the introduction of GLOSA. The report with the results is available in the supporting documents below.
You can watch the whole event here .
You can see all the presentations in the order of the agenda below including report mentioned in the webinar:
Introduction – Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS EUROPE
Non-Stop Truck (NST) Use Case – Wen Xu, Volvo
GLOSA Use Case – Robbin Blokspoel, Imtech
MOBiNET Activities in Bordeaux – Julie Castermans, ERTICO – ITS EUROPE
Supporting documents:
Webinar Agenda
Paper – Influencing driving behaviour via in-car speed advice in a field operational test

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