8 September 2016
11h00-12h00 (CET)

The added value and business potential of the MOBiNET platform will be illustrated via two use cases.

The B2B Traffic related services are focused on Floating Vehicle Data – marketplace and value added services and on the delivery of traffic maps & images to be included in B2C services and XFCD. In a fragmented market, MOBiNET provides a point of aggregation, an e-marketplace, which avoids one-to-one negotiations and provides a tool to evaluate the quality of the data. MOBiNET provides a potential customer base for sellers of ready-to-be-used images and information.

The Dial-a-ride (DaR) service use case was developed for dial-a-ride service for elderly and disabled passengers in London. MOBiNET allows the combination of real-time bus arrival data with traffic information (to estimate arrival times), payment and user identification. The  user app is available from the MOBiNET app store, and could be used by service providers elsewhere than London via the Service Directory.

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