The European Commission has launched a call for proposals to support Member States in collecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety.

Road safety KPIs are an integral part of the “Safe System” approach to road safety, which underpins the European Commission’s Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 and Strategic Action Plan on Road Safety. This approach puts the road user at the centre of all activities, aiming to prevent fatalities and serious injuries by building layers of protection (in relation to infrastructure, vehicles, road use, post-crash care) that can compensate for each other when one element fails. It is based on a performance framework with a hierarchy of targets and the tracking of progress towards these targets.

In order to gain a clearer understanding of the different issues that influence overall safety performance, the Commission has elaborated, in close cooperation with Member States, including the relevant experts, a first list of Key Performance Indicators for road safety (KPIs) which are defined in the Staff Working Document ‘EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030, which will be referred hereunder as the Staff Working Document. A number of Member States already collect some indicators for their national policies.

The aim of the support action is to assist Member States’ authorities in the collection and harmonised reporting of these indicators and to contribute to building the capacity of those Member States’ authorities which have not yet collected and calculated the relevant data for the KPIs.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 5,000,000, which the Commission intends to award in one grant.

The Commission reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available; in particular
the amount granted for any one member of the consortium cannot exceed 320 000 €.

Source: European Commission

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