Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. announced Panasonic Automotive Systems established Panasonic Automotive Systems University (“PAS University”)  an in-house university that aims to improve the abilities and skills of employees and support autonomous career development.

In recent years, the automobile industry has been accelerating the shift to SDVs* and continuing technological evolution, including automated driving. Going forward, control by large-scale in-vehicle computers utilizing complex algorithms and AI will become an integral part of cars. Panasonic Automotive Systems has a large share of the global market and leads the market in cockpit systems, where these advanced technologies are concentrated, but investment in human resources is essential to maintain the top share in the world’s most advanced development areas.

To maintain its leading position, the company has opened PAS University, an in-house university that provides newly hired technical personnel with a place to learn systematic and practical software technology, as well as the chance to strengthen the development and update the skills of existing engineers in each technical area. While continuing to apply the know-how and curriculum for personnel development that the Panasonic Group has cultivated, the company also aims to deepen interactive communication by providing opportunities for employees to participate of their own volition and become instructors in their areas of expertise, leading to organizational and individual growth.

Specifically, the curriculum covers a variety of themes necessary for employee growth, including not only technical development expertise, but also knowledge and practical experience that is essential to the in-vehicle business. This includes quality and manufacturing, leadership and management, and fostering organizational culture by instilling the Panasonic Group’s management philosophy and the company’s mission, vision, and values. The company plans to invite outside experts as lecturers and collaborate with specialized organizations. In addition, employees with extensive experience and high levels of knowledge, as well as executives and other senior management, will serve as instructors to encourage practical learning and growth not only through classroom lectures, but also on-the-job and on-site training opportunities.

The company will continue to create an environment in which employees can take on challenges with confidence in pursuit of our goal to build the best corporate personnel development system. The growth of each and every employee is essential for the company’s growth. The company will contribute to the further development of the mobility society through the growth of both individuals and the organization.

Source: Panasonic Automotive Systems