AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network (http://afeinnovnet.eu/) is helping local and regional authorities to respond to Europe’s demographic challenge by promoting WHO holistic approach to population ageing (the “Age-Friendly Environments” model), developing a EU-wide active network of interested stakeholders active in the field, stimulating cooperation and synergies, and facilitating the deployment of innovative age-friendly initiatives across Europe to help older people to age in better health and remain active for longer, lowering the pressure on social and healthcare systems and fostering longer working lives. This EU wide mobilisation will also help develop an EU wide single market for innovative ICT based products and services. The overarching goal of AFE-INNOVNET is to set up a large EU wide community of local and regional authorities and other relevant stakeholders across the EU who want to work together to find smart and innovative evidence based solutions to support active and healthy ageing and develop age-friendly environments across the EU. One of the activities that we are developing under this project is to collect age-friendly environments initiatives through the repository: http://afeinnovnet.eu/repository in order to exchange good practices and to promote the transfer of these good practices along Europe. If you have an innovative solution for age-friendly solutions please share it with a wide network of European local and regional authorities uploading it in the AFE-INNOVNET repository.