
Tag: Innovation

MOBiNET Newsflash: Be part of the mobility of the future!

This MOBiNET Newsflash presents you with a project status update; what has been done so far and what the next steps are.

Entering its final year, the MOBiNET project is on the verge of having a new platform release available. This newest release of the MOBiNET platform will be launched in October not only to MOBiNET partners but also to external stakeholders.

Time for the MOBiNET Technical Manager to reflect on the technical growth path of the MOBiNET platform through a series of platform releases. This newsflash provides more information on these different platform releases and the requirements that fed into the process.

On the business side, MOBiNET’s Business Manager provides his update of the added value generated by the MOBiNET e-mobility marketplace. This newsflash also reflects on how this e-marketplace can reinforce current business models for business and public authorities. The added value of the MOBiNET platfform, tools and components for service providers was also demonstrated during a webinar. Two MOBiNET use cases demonstrated the business potential for (international) market growth and cost savings for service providers.

Finally, to ensure a qualitative user experience, the MOBiNET website has been enhanced by a FAQ section explaining what MOBiNET stands for, the MOBiNET platform, the core services or components, the “core services” versus Services enabled or enhanced by MOBiNET, the role of pilot sites in MOBiNET, the different platform releases, and the role of the MOBiNET Provider Community.

Why we need MOBiNET
With the explosion of both online mobility services and sources of open transport data, there is a growing need for marketplaces where users can find apps and services, and where service providers and operators can publish data and third party services.
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MOBiNET’s Technical Manager retraces the technical growth path of the project’s platform
Peter-Paul Schackmann, Senior Project Manager with TNO and Technical Manager of the MOBiNET project, looks back at what the project has achieved so far, the current and future steps, and the life of the MOBiNET platform after the project will end. The MOBiNET concept and the platform that have been developed have attracted interest from different players in the mobility and ICT domain, offering a great perspective for the continuation of MOBiNET.
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The final stages of the MOBiNET platform requirements gathering process
During the project, an iterative (agile) and use case driving approach has been applied to the development of the platform, resulting in multiple platform releases of which release 4.0 will be the ,final release. The development of each release is based on requirements gathered from multiple sources, the Service Working Groups, the Pilot sites, external users and more.
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MOBiNET shows business potential in terms of (international) market growth and cost savings for service providers
This webinar explained the MOBiNET concepts and marketplace and how they present an opportunity for service providers. This was illustrated by two use cases. The first use case, B2BTS-B2B traffic related services enhanced by MOBiNET, showed how the MOBiNET platform provides a potential boost for the gps market both on the vendor and purchaser side. MOBiNET presents a real cost saving for Traffic Service providers using gps data to produce traffic services. A second use case demonstrated how the efficiency of the Demand Responsive Transit or Dial-a-Ride through an EU-wide service platform was improved.
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EU-wide service platform MOBiNET improves efficiency of Dial-a-Ride service in London
Eurotransport 25 August 2016
Dial-A-Ride as MOBiNET enabled innovative and green service
The MOBiNET platform will enable the implementation of innovative service providing elderly travellers and/or with disabilities with a transport service focused on mobile technology, linking passengers, drivers of Dial-a-Ride (DaR) service and traffic manager. This innovative service will solve the inefficiency of vehicles waiting around for a pick-up, with a clear impact on passive traffic and the needs of passengers, especially elderly or infirm. MOBiNET provides service and application to DaR users with confirmation of expected time of arrival (ETA) of the vehicle for their pick-up and drop off.
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The added value generated by the MOBiNET e-Mobility Marketplace
Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics and MOBiNET Business Manager, explains the MOBiNET business value proposition and key success factors of the MOBiNET marketplace.
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The MOBiNET e-marketplace can reinforce current business models for businesses and public authorities in Europe
A sustainable marketplace requires a legal entity for daily operations and a viable business model that generates individual benefits to all stakeholders involved. The MOBiNET project determines the possible organisation and governance procedure of such an entity, and identifies the conditions for a successful business model.
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In October, the MOBiNET consortium will open the newest version of the MOBiNET platform to external stakeholders. This will allow you to explore the MOBiNET platform potential and discover what we can potentially do together.

Interested? Contact us to receive an invitation:info@mail.ertico.com

The MOBiNET (www.mobinet.eu) project envisages a new “Internet of Mobility” where transport users meet providers of next-generation mobility services. MOBiNET is a European e-market place of mobility services for business and end users. The project addresses the current frustration that widespread deployment of ITS services is hindered by the complexity of the real world of mobility information and infrastructure, which e.g. prevents seamless coverage of services across borders throughout Europe.

By developing a Europe-wide e-market place of mobility services for business and end users, MOBINET extends the business scope between service providers; provides pan-European coverage; and ensures that public and private providers can post their data in the service directory to a wide and broad community, facilitating the creating of innovative solutions or enhanced existing services

MOBiNET is co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. It runs from November 2012 until June 2017.

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EU-Brazil Technology and Innovation Forum

The 2nd EU-Brazil Technology and Innovation Forum is organized by B.BICE+ consortium in Brussels (Belgium) on 23-24 November 2015, as a continuation of the first EU-Brazil Technology and Innovation Forum held in September 2014 in […]

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