Tag: project
MOBiNET webinar digs deeper into technical and business value of the MOBiNET core components
Feb 14, 2017 | ERTICO Activities
26 stakeholders participated in the first of two MOBiNET webinars dedicated to specific MOBiNET components. MOBiNET’s Technical Manager – Peter-Paul Schackmann, TNO – opened the webinar referring to previous webinar presentations of the live MOBiNET platform and core components. Presentations included a demonstration of how the platform works and what ITS stakeholders can gain of it. You will find more information here
As a follow up, the MOBiNET project decided to organise two webinars each one dedicated to the technical and business value of a specific number of platform components.
The MOBiNET platform is an e-marketplace and a technical platform enabling the interactions between suppliers, developers and users of mobility related content and service providers. It offers a centralised directory for publishing and editing Business-to-Business (B2C) services as well as functionality enabling and supporting interoperability between data sources. The services will be offered across Europe without the need for standardised hardware.
The MOBiNET platform provides components and tools that enable interactions between travellers, transport system users operators, service providers, content providers and transport infrastructure. At the heart of the platform is the MOBiCENTRE which includes Service Directory, Identity Manager, Billing and TSP Manager.
MOBiNET platform architecture
Janki Dodya, DLR, webinar moderator, presented the Service Support Centre (SSC), the first point for users who need information about the MOBiNET platform. The SSC provides information on how to use the platform or its components, or for development purposes. The SCC is a website integrated within the Dashboard. Important to note is that the information in the Support Centre is divided into two user groups: normal end users of the platform who are only allowed to see sections on the basic usage of the platform; and developers who are able to see information for developing purposes like the API of components and the development of services.
Janki Dodya then handed over the floor to the presenters of followers components:
Dashboard by Benjamin Hebgen – NEC; Identity Manager by Enzo Contini – Telecom Italia; Service Directory by Lars Mikkelsen – Aalborg University; Service billing by Daniela Vasari – Pluservice; Analytics Server by Benjamin Hebgen – NEC; and TSP Manager by Michael Sena – Allianz Telematics. Each of the component owners presented not only a short description of the component and its main features but also the role of the component in the context of the latest MOBiNET platform release; as well as its interaction with the other components.
The webinar not only highlighted the technical value of the components but also their business added value. Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics, and MOBiNET Business Manager, explained how MOBiNET is an eMobility Marketplace platform; a multi-vendor platform for a Europe-wide (global) delivery of mobility services. The platform will support the delivery of services and data to private and commercial users using data and services from public and private sources. It will support multiple business strategies and business models for public and private service providers. Essential components are the MOBiCENTRE that is managing the flow of information from service and content providers, service developers and end users. The MOBiAGENT is the tool for end users to discover service providers and potentially pay for services. The Service Development Kit and Dashboard are the entry points for service developers, service and content providers, including telematics service providers, to match the products and services they offer to business and private customers.
The webinar concluded with a poll asking participants which component they find most useful. The answers were as follows: 64% of the respondents voted for the TSP Manager, 36% for Service billing, 21% both for Identity Manger and for Analytics Server, and 7% of respondents for the Service Directory.
This webinar will be followed by a second a final webinar dedicated to the following remaining components: Communication Agent, MOBiAGENT, Data Quality Assessment, Service Development Kit and Privacy & Security. You will find more information on this webinar here below.
Agenda and full presentations are available here
Audio recording is available
Additional information:
In the library/deliverable section, you will find several reports that will provide you with detailed information on
– MOBiNET tools and components – See deliverables in section “WP3 Development”
– Service Support Centre (ref. D7.10 MOBiNET B2B Service Support Centre)
– Business value of the MOBiNET concept – See deliverables in section “WP6 Organisation, business and social aspects”
The second and final MOBiNET webinar dedicated to components will take place 16 February 2017 from 14h00 to 15h00 (CET). For registration, click here.
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Press Release – MOBINET@Glasgow – Bobby app demonstrates added value of MOBiNET platform
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